Monday 15 April 2013

Cathy Zielskes Clean & Simple: The Workshop (Week 2)

Hi there,  thanks for flicking over to see this.. my take on the assignment for week two of Cathy Zielskes class: Clean & Simple: The Workshop.  I so loved the work this week.  Every time I open up my 'Big Picture Classroom' I know that what awaits me is going to be challenging, and fun!  This week didn't let me down (and we're only two weeks in! Lol).  Imagine the possibilities for the next 10 weeks.  Anyway, here is my page.

I'm so pleased with how it turned out.  Obviously I embellished my page a little and turned it into a 12x12 layout.  The actual assignment was the 8 1/2 x 11 part of the page.  I need to get a little out of my comfort zone (the preconceived notion that scrapbooking is done using 12 x 12 papers and albums) and broaden my horizons, but for now I'll stick with the status quo.

I am gutted that my camera isn't playing fair and taking photos as clear as I'd like, but until three grand falls in my lap I will have to wait to get my dream camera.  In the meantime I hope that the image is clear enough for you to read the journalling.

Have a great day, be inspired to create and live each moment today as if it were your last.  I'm off to celebrate my wedding anniversary.  Eight years today!


1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous layout! Such great blessings. Happy anniversary. Congratualtions.
